The true origin of bacterias, germs, parasites and diseases on this planet: The A+ rhesus aliens of the Alien 86 / Zarma extraterrestrials arab army FBI REPORT The origin of all bacterias, germs, parasites and diseases comes from the arab extraterrestrials (the Zarma extraterrestrials): the gay ass hole lickers perv pedos. Those among them of blood rhesus A+ are the ones bringing bacterias, germs, parasites and diseases on the planet. For example they bring a mix of bacterias, germs and parasites that gives breast cancer to women when nipples are licked by the mouth and tongue of rhesus A+ peoples, or by those infected by them in their mouth. Tooth diseases such as dental infections are coming from the evil bacterias, germs and parasites that the genetics of the A+ rhesus people is making inside their bodies. All the A+ rhesus peoples are highly dirty, whores, homosexuals, pedophiles, children molesters, kidnappers, rapist...